Monday, July 7, 2008

Race is the division of humans by color of their skin, geographic location, or tribal and or ethnic grouping. "Race was never just a matter of how you look, it's about how people assign meaning to how you look." (Race: The power of an Illusion, Part 2)

Ethnicity- traits, background, allegiance, or association that divides ethic groups

Ethnic Studies is the study of groups of people and their traits, customs and beliefs.

History is the study and record of past events.

Progress is the forward movement of growth and development

Social Construction - is the division of people based on race, class, wealth, but it also goes further and divides by gender, sexual preference or being disabled.

Genocide is the systematic killing of an entire race of people

Ideological-the beliefs of an individual or social class

Privilege - is the status of social construct, the most privileged being a white male in the society as a whole.

Oppression - to treat unfairly due to race or ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual preference

Matrix of domination is the dividing of the privileged based on race, gender disability or sexual preference or any combination of them.

Individualism is the separation of each person from one another, even if it is not what society expects of them.

"getting off the hook" is a way to deny, blame, or even call it something else when it comes to racism or sexism.

Manifest Destiny was the belief that the "west" for for the white Americans.

Giddy Multitude was a rebellion of indentured servants, slaves and landless free man.

Assimilation is the transformation from ones background and way of life to conform to another culture or society.

scientific racism is scientific data that is produced based on a racist bias.

the “white man’s burden" is a poem by Rudyard Kipling of imperialism. It is saying that their may be difficulties, but is the white man that has the burden of being pure and to rule.

abolitionist is someone who opposed slavery. Some helped slaves escape, others formed protest, and some provided the place for slave to stay once they escaped.

philosophy of free labor is the idea that slaves can be used as labor to increase wealth.

Fugitive Slave Law was the law enacted in 1850 that required the return of runaway slave to their masters.

Emancipation is to free and give equal rights.

War Relocation Authority – an agency that relocated Japanese civilians in the United States to facilities to ensure that the Japanese that were in this country were completely assimilated as Americans.

Affirmative Action is the action to right the wrongs of previous discriminations due to race, ethnicity or gender.

The GI bill is the education benefit that gave persons that have served in the military a means to go to college

the American dream is the dream of freedom and oppurtunities

model minority is an overall picture of the successes of a minority group such as Asians have a higher per family income.

resistance is means such as sticking to be able to get rights

stratified is to arrange or separate into castes, classes, or social levels.

race vs. ethnicity – race is describing an individual based on their physical attributes and where they or their ancestors came from. Ethnicity is describing the commonality that one has with another, such as religious or cultural.

heritage is defined in the dictionary as something inherited at birth or anything deriving from the past or tradition. In McPherson’s, I’ll take my stand in Dixie-Net, it is about the rights and privileges of the white southern man or real southerners.

Cyberspace is a virtual reality in which data is stored over many computers and networks. This virtual reality is a meeting place for likeminded people to meet even though they live in different parts of the country or even different countries.

race and racialization in cyberspace is the construction of websites that show theory and fantasy to show difference in race. Using laws, religion, and history to try to back up these theories. Such as using heritage to defend their racism, or placing blame back on the other races.

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